Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kevin Atto, Thank You for your Passion and Leadership with the GSDBA

It has always been entertaining and a pleasure to spend time, volunteer, commiserate, and plan with Kevin Atto.  His passion, determination and commitment to ideas and goals are extraordinary.  While owning a business is full of challenges, he was willing to build his thriving cleaning business and volunteer to serve on the GSDBA Board at the same time.  

Kevin served on the board for approximately three years.   He served on the Executive board for a year during his service on the board.  When GSDBA wanted to create a more visible image at the San Diego Pride Parade, it was Kevin who volunteered to lead the Briefcase Brigade in the parade.  Not only did he lead it three years running, but he rallied volunteers and GSDBA members to create the moves and have them practiced to precision.  The very first year, Pride organizers were so thrilled that GSDBA won best contingent.

When urged to help GSDBA address and attract young professionals, we know it takes other young professionals.  Kevin has been a leader in developing younger GSDBA members, introducing professionals to the GSDBA and the value and benefits of simply participating with the LGBT Chamber and its allies.  While he may suggest it was my idea, the energy and the execution was Kevin and others who have made an impact to connect GSDBA to support and encourage a new wave of LGBT Professionals.  We plan, Kevin, to continue to find ways to support, encourage and improve our outreach of younger LGBT professionals in our membership.

Kevin is a great communicator of the values of being in GSDBA whether or not you are a business owner.  He easily communicates the values and importance to corporate professionals that membership in GSDBA is integral to their workplace success. 

Kevin is quite proud of reminding me, and through me, I will share this tidbit.  He will always be as old as the GSDBA.  The founders of GSDBA birthed this organization the same year that Kevin entered the world. 

Please stop by his table at the 2013 GSDBA Awards Luncheon.  His business, San Diego Pro Cleaning, is sponsoring one of the tables at the Luncheon.  While he has already filled the seats, you may want to stop by, introduce yourself, and provide your very own appreciation for his service to GSDBA.  Oh, and he is a Capricorn and he enjoys long walks on the beach.

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