Monday, February 24, 2014

The Pontiff's Principles of Purpose for People of Faith

On February 24th, news broke of the words shared by the Pope to the new addition of 19 new Cardinals to the College of Cardinals.  I am not catholic nor feel it necessary to research the diversity selection or how each will influence the future of this organization. I do care to share a brief moment on words attributed to the Pope which sparked some time of reflection. 

The Catholic Sun mentioned in the February 24, 2014 publication several portions of his message to the College of Cardinals.  “We love, therefore, those who are hostile to us; we bless those who speak ill of us; we greet with a smile those who may not deserve it,” he said. “We do not aim to assert ourselves; we oppose arrogance with meekness; we forget the humiliations that we have endured.”

Of course there were other words, other values, other messages he verbalized in his message, but those words of value were the values of essential service to others.  These words become focus for all those who follow the Christian faith or aspire to tenants of peace.  These values are certainly not for the weak of heart or those who wish to avoid disappointment.  Nor are these tenants valuable to any who prefer to focus on values of power and wealth.  Truly, these expressed tenants fly in the face, at times, of current thought and the easier paths of retribution, hostility, war, or even influence and popularity.

Personally, it is good to remember that my best efforts in pursuing these tenants may fall short.  In my case, at times it seems too often.  Fortunately, with acknowledgment and repentance, these values provide a metric of true maturity without condemnation.  They become a beacon of how far I must continue to grow.  They do not measure failure, they provide a guide post of success.

It is good to be reminded of values that bring forth peace.  Certainly these goals, spoken by the current Pope, define my ideal of Christian engagement.  Yet, when used as a measure, reminds and humbles me of how far I must continue to grow to achieve its tenants.

These tenants remind me of how imperfect I am and how difficult the road.  Yet without judgment, these tenants continue to encourage me to pursue them, with patience and perseverance.  The benefits of their pursuit include Forgiveness, Peace, Hope, and certainly Love.

After so many strident words from various Christian quarters in the last 25 years, it is good to hear words of admonishment from the Pontiff.  While other parts of his message may cause me pause or concern, it is good to find portions where I can find common ground.  And, in that common ground can grow another value, Hope.

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