Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Keith Robinson, Hot Hotelier, GSDBA Board Thanks You

A wonderful part of my tenure on the board is the opportunity to watch people participate, develop, contribute and lead the way for GSDBA and its members. While someone could simply participate by “showing up”, it is important that someone contribute, bring insight and their strengths to the organization. They set aside their valuable time to help our Chamber create an environment where the LGBT community can develop and grow their dreams of owning a successful business or pursue their professional goals. One person I will miss on the board is Keith Robinson. His quiet leadership, professional courtesy, plus his ability to chuckle at circumstances allow him to address behind the scenes issues that make events supremely successful.
Keith Robinson, working with the Dana Hotel, served the GSDBA on the Board of Directors from June 2010 to May 2013. During that time he served on the Ambassadors Committee before becoming the Events Chair which is charged with coordination of the Mixers, Business Awards Luncheon, and other events GSDBA must coordinate. He and the Events Committee coordinated Hotels, the services, hosting expectations, and pursued new and interesting locations in Hillcrest and extended GSDBA’s mixer foray into downtown, Pt. Loma and Mission Bay. His ability to speak candidly with other hoteliers and Mixer host organizations continued the consistently great attendance of creative and new locations for our members.

Keith Robinson has provided his encouragement to GSDBA through building and addressing the tourism needs of the LGBT Community. With Tom Luhnow, he will continue to work with other Tourism professionals to enhance the benefits to GSDBA members through our tourism website, our tourism outreach and help San Diego with their economic future.
While Keith is no longer on the Board, he is committed to GSDBA, the many valuable friendships he has made through our organization and will continue to be supportive of the mission and vision of GSDBA.

My belief is that Keith is stepping down because he has become one of the best hotel leaders for weddings (whether gay or straight). My prediction is that the Supreme Court will overturn DOMA and Prop 8 and his role at The Dana will grow dramatically in the coming 12 months. Good luck, Keith.

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