Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gay Marriage Survives Prop 8 and DOMA

Today, I am celebrating with other GSDBA Members in the historic decisions of the United States Supreme Court regarding the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s divisive and discriminatory Proposition 8.

With the overturning of DOMA Article 3 in the Windsor case, legally married same-sex couples in the United States will gain access to more than 1,000 federal benefits that come with marriage. The Court’s ruling in the Perry case means that Proposition 8 will be struck down and marriage equality is restored for California.

Marriages will begin again as soon as the decision is rendered as final, and the mandate is issued. Yet, do not be surprised if supporters of Proposition 8 consider and pursue a petition for rehearing.

These decisions come just days after the 46th anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia case (June 12), in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all race-based restrictions in marriage law, an important precedent for marriage equality for same-sex couples.

I am thrilled to work with people who believe their dignity is so important.  They live together, love together, and plan  their lives together.  Denying the ability to call that a marriage weakens the instituion and the fairness and support of the community.  The U.S. Supreme Court has corrected this practice and moved it fairly back to the states.

The ruling in DOMA helps everyone who care about fairness, those who fight for freedom, and those who seek freedom.

For California it restores the glowing gem of diversity that has called to people for generations to California.  In overturning Proposition 8, it redeems California from its short foray into creating second class citizens in a rich history of diversity and acceptance.

The San Diego community will gather together at the Rainbow Flag at University Avenue and Normal Street at 5:30 pm. A celebration will follow at at 7 pm at The Center, 3909 Centre St. For more information, please visit or check The Center’s Facebook page at  Also, look to for four panel discussions coming starting in August about things you should know before you marry!

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